Building the future of sport.

We are an accelerator and co-investment platform specialising in sport, innovation and technology. We provide you with the necessary resources to help you grow your project in the world of sport.



the future of sport


the future

of sport


of sport.

Building the future of sport.

Pioneers in combining innovation, entrepreneurship, investment and sport

Specialised in the sports world, we connect you with the main players and stakeholders of the sportsmen and women and stakeholders in the sector to make your business grow.

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How do we help you grow in sport?


We guide you through the entire process of growth and maturation of your startup.


We assist you in strategising and structuring future investment rounds.


We provide you with an introduction to our national and international network.

Business development

We give you access to global services to grow your startup. 


Aren't you

a Startup?

you are

a Startup?

Not a Startup?


Do you want to participate in the sports entrepreneurship ecosystem?

If you are an athlete and you are interested in entrepreneurship linked to the world of sport, SportBoost is your place, find out how we can help you.


Are you interested in investing in the Sports-Tech sector?

We help you to detect potential market opportunities in innovation and sport detected by the SportBoost team.

Open innovation

Are you a sports-related company?

We offer consultancy programmes; identification, analysis and selection of startups that meet the specific needs of your company.

Main Partner

Co-investor Partner

Educational Partner

Strategic Partner

+ 18 different verticals in the sports sector.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 18 different verticals in the sports sector.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 1K startups in our database.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 400 startups in our database.

+ 40% International startups.

+ 700 startups in our database.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 18 different verticals in the sports sector.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 18 different verticals in the sports sector.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 18 different verticals in the sports sector.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 700 startups in our database.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 700 startups in our database.

+ 30% International startups.

+ 700 startups in our database.

+ €2 million co-investment.

+ 18 different verticals in the sports sector.

+ €2 million co-investment.


Cardiology startup that detects and predicts heart problems through Artificial Intelligence.

It has developed the next generation platform for football analysis. Automatically and through AI, it performs analysis in real-time.

Fan engagement startup, focused on the production of amateur and professional football videos through drones and AI.

Facility-oriented club management software. Users can also reserve a paddle or tennis court at any facility by sharing information with other players.

It is a complete nutritional solution to optimise and maximise the performance of athletes through technology and nutrition, turning data into ultra-personalised plans.

Daily Football Fantasy which allows you to generate income based on the performance and selection of players you have in your team.

Biotech startup that has developed a revolutionary health system. It monitors dehydration and other variables in real time.

startups in their development.

We invest in and support

startups in their development.

We invest in and support

startups in their development.

We invest in and support

In the media

References of the last year in the main media of the world, mentioning SportBoost in their different media.